Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 2...stupid question. Onto Day 3...

2 - Most recent person you started following on Tumblr and why--
um yeah no.

3 - Last movie you saw and your thoughts on it
- last movie I saw in the theater was either True Grit (meh), Battle LA (pointless blow-em-up, just what I wanted!!), or Jackass 3-D (whoo!). Last movie I saw at home was Black Swan which I thought was a ridiculous waste of $1.08 at the redbox. I really don't see what all the hub-bub was about.

I thought the story was very very meh, to the point of being riduculously meh. the acting was totally meh and I wondered why natalie portman looked so fucking constipated for 2 hours. The hot chick-on-chick scene? Helloooo...I've seen more pink on a Cinemax movie. Overall, I was hardly impressed and felt embarassed that I had begged M to watch it with me. I'd have much rather watched some straight-to-netflix garbage, at least then I know it's garbage instead of garbage being passed off as a cinematic masterpiece

My favourite movie is probably "Wicker Man", (1974 version). What an excellent movie. I first saw it when I was maybe 10 or 12, and thought it was so odd then. Never saw it again until just a few years ago when it was on TMC. M and I had seen the horrible one with Nicholas Cage when it came out....what a wreck of a movie THAT was....

anyways, so much was changed in the Nicholas Cage one that I knew they would change the ending...I told M that if they changed the ending, I would punch myself in the face until I died. Thankfully, they didn't change the ending, but even that little nugget of happiness didn't make the movie watchable (note, in the original WM, there is no scene of someone in a bear costume being punched in the face).

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Okay so I don't do well on the multiple-day meme question answer things

because I'm a lazy sot that can barely get the energy to do things like make a bowl of cereal because I was born tired and I hate doing shit. but we'll see how it goes....this feels very Myspacy, by the way. And Myspace feels very 2006, by the way. And 2006 feels very Done With Nursing School'y, by the way, And Done With Nursing School feels very Springtime in Yakima, by the way. And Springtime in Yakima feels nothing like the weather now, by the way.

Okay, let's get the game going...

“Checking In” Challenge

1 - Two good things that happened recently
2 - Most recent person you started following on Tumblr and why
3 - Last movie you saw and your thoughts on it
4 - Story behind something you recently discovered
5 - Recent development in one particular relationship of yours
6 - Last book you read and your thoughts on it
7 - One unlucky thing that happened recently
8 - The latest random thing that happened to you
9 - Something you learned about yourself recently
10 - Last trip you went on and one major highlight
11 - Most recent event that made you smile
12 - Three new music artist you became interested in
13 - Last thing you’ve missed of reminisced about
14 - Most recent words of wisdom you heard that stuck with you
15 - Two things that you hope to see happened in the next three months
1 - Two good things that happened recently

Ooh good things are always happening. I'm a pretty optimistic, or at least not a pessimistic person so I tend to see the joy in everyday things.



I'm a curmudgeon. I hate everyone. I am annoyed and frusrated by most things. I have no tolerance for anything or any one at any time.

BUT....I tend to be a positive person only because I think being in a bad mood sucks, I hate being in a bad mood so I'd rather be all "yah1!" about little meaningless things than to be "bah no!" about things.

So I guess 2 good things that happened very recently (as in most recently): All the boxes are unpacked if you don't count the entire load of shit in the storage unit which I'm not counting because the idea of having to load, then unload, then unpack or at least re-arrange allllll that shit just makes me very not positive.

Also, um, I watered the plants today? My friend Mary said she'd watch the animals while we're on vacation? Vacation is less than a week away??? we're techincially done moving????????

I think the better question (although equally hard) would be "what are 2 bad things that happened recently" which would be just as hard to answer because bad things don't happen in my world. Speedbumps on the interstate of life, etc etc.

hookay....let's see if I actually finish this....

Friday, August 12, 2011

now I see why they shot you

I only wish they had aimed higher, and better :-/

I've been a nurse for half a decade and tonight I am dealing with the most disagreeable, hateful, miserable person I have ever met not just as a nurse, but in my 35 years on this planet...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I hate my coworkers

there is no redeeming quality in any of them. I feel like I am a caretaker at a very large zoo...more on this later when I have Internet access again and dont have to fight with iPhone auto-correct and it's inability to correct my words into anything remotely resembling what it is that I wanted to say grrr

in other new house news, white cats and fireplaces are a dangerous and filthy combination ..

Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm about to vomick on the highway

Firstly, it's very hot in my apartment so I am writing this topless.

Secondly, my department employs roughly 200 staff members. That's just RN's, CNA's (MA's), and unit secretaries (PSS or PSN's, UST's or whatever the fuck they call themselves this week...) That's not counting the dozens of MD's, med students, interns, residents just for the ER, as well as the dozens of MD's, residents, med students, interns for all the different departments. THen count radiology, registration, ultrasound, people that just wander around the ER, and you have a couple of hundred people a night in one confined area.

Guess how many employee bathrooms this area (which we will refer to as the Emergency Department) has?


ha ha!


TWO bathrooms for employees to use. ALL employees.

That's part of the contribution to one-or-two pee nights.

Out of all of those people, someone is generally always going to be hogging one of the 2 bathrooms, usually taking a very prolonged, very odiferous shit.

One bathroom is located directly inside our breakroom/kitchen area, and has the sound-proofness of, say, nothing. You can hear every squeak, drop, and piddle. It's embarassing to use.

so that leaves the other one, which is on the other side of that wall, which is equally as soundproof.

Anyway---that's not necessarily the brunt of this discussion, although it is frustrating. Especially when *I* am the one who finally FINALLY! gets to get to the toilet. oh! thank heavens...

not so fast, have some roadblocks to bathroom using.

1) is the bathroom functional? Often times there will be water spraying from the pipe that goes from toilet to wall. That's a hoot to walk into, especially when the floor has at least 2 inches of standing water in there, and your co-workers were of course not kind enough to put a SIGN ON THE DOOR OR CALL ENGINEERING. fuckers.

2) Is the usable condition? Has the slob before you had the courtesy to flush their 18 inch terlet snake? Perhaps the triage slob who wears the same scrubs, with the same stains, for 3 weeks at a time pissed on the seat again. Is there a large puddle of piss on the floor? Has the bathroom been recently frequented by whoever it is that powders their entire body (??) and leaves 2 inches of baby powder on the toilet seat (????) and on the floor, and the sink

3) Are there adequate supplies in the bathroom? Has housekeeping taken the time from their busy scheudle of napping and hiding behind carts to supply the bathroom with more than 14 squares of toilet paper (this is the real reason of the rant....follow below)? Is there soap? Paper towels? If you work at my hospital, probably not.


So, if you can't tell, I tend to get frustrated easily and am annoyed by most aspects of the universe. I have always been perplexed by the toilet paper that this hospital uses because it's extremely impractical. It comes on a roll the size of a tractor-trailer tire, and you can only pull off one very small square at a time (square measurement approximatley 1 pixel x 1 pixel).

So god forbid you actually drank more than 2 ounces of fluid and pee like a normal fucking human being and need more than one small square  to get yourself nice and tidy---you're going to be Which is really impractical because I don't need a 9 inch thick peice of ass paper to clean with. I'd like a smooth flowing contigious set of 6, maybe 7 squares, perhaps enough to wrap around my hand glove-style.

But that's impossible. Because you're allowed one square at a time.

maybe we're supposed to quilt them together?

At any rate, I've been stewing about this since 2008. So tonight I asked one of the few housekeepers that speaka da good englich why the toilet paper was so impractical

Her answer "because it cost too much money to use the other kind"

huh? The rolls cost more?

"no. because people use it more. They use more toilet paper, so we replace it more often. So now they get the one with the little square so you can't pull off too much at a time"

They've gotten rid of my COLA pay increase. They've decreased the yearly pay increase. They've increased the % I pay for benefits, and decreased the amount they contribute to my retirement.

and now they're going after the toilet paper??

is there no end to this budgetary maddness?

I bet the CEO has free flowing, multi-layer ass canvas.

I'm so annoyed! Partially because this whole time (well, some of the time) I thought *I* was using the paper wrong. Maybe I should pull it down insead of out. Maybe out instead of down. Back instead of to the front.

NO! All these years of self doubt and insecurity, and the problem was never mine to begin with.

I am filled with anger, and pee.

Thankfully now I"m home, where I can wipe my ass with an entire ROLL IF I SO CHOOSE TO DO SO.

what nazi's.


On that note, I bid you adieu, auf weiderzein, and goodnight. And I leave you with a favourite song of mine,
A Gorilla Driving A Pickup Truck.

Jim, I've been driving tractor trailer for years
Yeah it's true! I seen him, green Ram
Gorilla driving a pickup trick
70 on the speedometer, 16 gears
driving for Seven Centinium Mayflower
Peterbilt trollin, I'm sweatin'
I'm about to vomit on the highway

I seen the rearview mirror drivin towards Texas my way
him chewin bananas wearing a bandana
a speed chase, a truck running 200 k's
loaded down with produce, diesel gas with juice
I gassed up...he put his mask up
running over reindeers
head on with a moose

racin' the train, runnin next to the caboose
big load behind me
I'm lonely. I'm on my CB Radio talking to ghosts
"Gorilla's following me...gorilla's behind me"

I'm looking for a truck stop there's nothing in sight
trying to get up the road with all my might.
I'm looking at the side angle
hoping my wheels don't tangle
I opened up a can...I reached back into my sleeper
and grabbed a can of Rango
I was moving fast
He got up in front...the gorilla looked at me and passed
He was on my ass!

I looked at my tank, my tank was on "E"
Runnin up hill I got slow, my gas got empty
I had enough fuel to duel
he's trying to pass me!
Lookin in the left mirror...
lookin in the right mirror...
I won't even make an error

He's changing left...
He's changing right....
I cut him off on the side
He's throwing bananas under my wheels
I'm sliding going down those Texas hills
"Gorilla's looking at me
Driving behind me...."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Perks of the job

I have been one to bitch about my union representation because, frankly, they are sometimes more in favour of management than they are the workers. But they're pretty good (better than my previous union representation) and I get paid relatively well (less than other workers at other hospitals, but I'm not another worker at another hospital, so I'm okay with that), and get nice benes.

Today I had to take a conscious sedation class from 8am-12pm, then go back and work tonight from 7pm-7am. To say that I was less than stoked at this scheduling event would be an understatement. However, thanks to collective barganing, because there is less than a 9 hour break between class and working, I am eligible for double time for the first 4 hours, and time and a half for the next 8 tonight.

If I make $38 an hour....38 x 2 = 76 x 4 = 304 + ((38 x 1.5)*8) = 760

Normally I'd just make about 456 a night (that makes me feel like Paris Hilton to say I make $450 a night...gosh!)...sweet!


So another perk---after class today my co-workers and I were walking about the building and in that building are the wet and dry anatomy and simulation labs for the medical students. We asked for a tour of the wet lab (you should have heard the squeels of glee from myself and my fellow RN's at the idea of being able to see CADAVERS! oooh). While there weren't any actual cadavers, I did get to see a severed head in a bucket. Neat.


Side note:
convo between myself and med student

Me: ooh neat! I've never seen a dead body!
Him: You've never seen a dead body?
Me: well I've seen a dead body, but like fresh dead. Not dead dead
Him: never?
Me: well, Okay I guess I've seen dead dead, but not cadaver dead.
Him: Is there a difference:
Me: I dunno. You tell me
Him: There really isn't a difference
Me: Then why are they only called cadavers when you play with them, but they're dead dead when I deal with them
Him: I dunno. You tell me
Me: Oooh neat! I've never seen a cadaver!


Monday, July 25, 2011


there comes a point when you have to put down the chips and soda. that time should hopefully come before you develop fat rolls on your ear lobes


anyone who says 'once you've seen one, you've seen them all' has obviously never put a foley catheter in a homeless prostitute. :shudder: