Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Okay so I don't do well on the multiple-day meme question answer things

because I'm a lazy sot that can barely get the energy to do things like make a bowl of cereal because I was born tired and I hate doing shit. but we'll see how it goes....this feels very Myspacy, by the way. And Myspace feels very 2006, by the way. And 2006 feels very Done With Nursing School'y, by the way, And Done With Nursing School feels very Springtime in Yakima, by the way. And Springtime in Yakima feels nothing like the weather now, by the way.

Okay, let's get the game going...

“Checking In” Challenge

1 - Two good things that happened recently
2 - Most recent person you started following on Tumblr and why
3 - Last movie you saw and your thoughts on it
4 - Story behind something you recently discovered
5 - Recent development in one particular relationship of yours
6 - Last book you read and your thoughts on it
7 - One unlucky thing that happened recently
8 - The latest random thing that happened to you
9 - Something you learned about yourself recently
10 - Last trip you went on and one major highlight
11 - Most recent event that made you smile
12 - Three new music artist you became interested in
13 - Last thing you’ve missed of reminisced about
14 - Most recent words of wisdom you heard that stuck with you
15 - Two things that you hope to see happened in the next three months
1 - Two good things that happened recently

Ooh good things are always happening. I'm a pretty optimistic, or at least not a pessimistic person so I tend to see the joy in everyday things.



I'm a curmudgeon. I hate everyone. I am annoyed and frusrated by most things. I have no tolerance for anything or any one at any time.

BUT....I tend to be a positive person only because I think being in a bad mood sucks, I hate being in a bad mood so I'd rather be all "yah1!" about little meaningless things than to be "bah no!" about things.

So I guess 2 good things that happened very recently (as in most recently): All the boxes are unpacked if you don't count the entire load of shit in the storage unit which I'm not counting because the idea of having to load, then unload, then unpack or at least re-arrange allllll that shit just makes me very not positive.

Also, um, I watered the plants today? My friend Mary said she'd watch the animals while we're on vacation? Vacation is less than a week away??? we're techincially done moving????????

I think the better question (although equally hard) would be "what are 2 bad things that happened recently" which would be just as hard to answer because bad things don't happen in my world. Speedbumps on the interstate of life, etc etc.

hookay....let's see if I actually finish this....

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